Hubert Lang kommt nach Bahrain

Hubert Lang, ex-Botschafter in Bahrain

Unser ehemaliger, sehr beliebter, Botschafter Dr. Lang kommt auf Besuch nach Bahrain und hält eine Lesung über Julius Euting. Lang verdanken wir den Botschaftsneubau.

Event Detail – 2.April 2018

Julius Euting (1839-1913) – A German Traveler to Arabia

Dr. Hubert Lang served as ambassador of Germany to the Kingdom of Bahrain for four years. Prior to his last posting, Dr. Lang was Consul General in Jeddah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Hubert Lang, ex-Botschafter in Bahrain

He served as Political Counselor at the German Embassy in Washington, where he was in charge of the Near and Middle East / North Africa-portfolios. Between 1973 and 1998 he has served subsequently in Algiers, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Muscat, Paris, Rabat and Beirut. 

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