Travel ban – so schnell kann es gehen

Zain travel ban

Das ist der Original Bericht von Lina V., französische Staatsbürgerin.
Lina V. konnte letzten Donnerstag nicht ihren Sommerurlaub antreten und wurde daran gehindert, Bahrain zu verlassen.
In Bahrain ist der Verbraucher ziemlich rechtlos. Selbst wenn Lina nach Jahren ein Verfahren gewinnen würde, würde Zain noch nicht einmal für die Freiheitsberaubung bestraft werden.
Viele Leute bezahlen hier lieber eine ungerechtfertigte Rechnung als sich den Ärger einzuhandeln, den man so schnell bekommt. Infam ist, dass das Gericht noch nicht einmal mitteilt, dass es einen Travel ban erhoben hat!

Zain travel ban

Last Thursday, I was at the airport about to travel going back home with my two small kids, when at the immigration they surprised me telling me that I had a travel ban!!!! And nobody couldn’t  explain why and how it happened…. They just told me that it was a court decision and I will have to wait until Sunday to find out, because at this moment they cannot let me flight. So imagine, with my two kids crying, they had to offload my suitcases and cancelled my tickets!!!!

I was in shock ! A nightmare!!! ……….. After a while I found out that it was the company ZAIN( Telephone company) who put that travel ban !
In 2009, when I first came to Bahrain, I took a USB flash with internet, and I signed a one year contract, 15 bd per month … but unfortunately after 15 days the internet wasn’t working and the computer couldn’t recognize the flash. I went to the shop to complain and to replace it but it was sooooo complicated, (I needed to bring it to a workshop inside Manama and they didn’t want to replace it!) so I decided just to cancel the contract because I was unhappy about it, however they asked me 80 bd fees for cancelation which I refused to pay because it wasn t my fault if the internet wasnt working and they were unable to fix it properly! After few years, in 2011, Zain called me asking me VERY RUDELY 150 bd and threatening me if I wasn t paying, then I explained to them the previous issue that I was able to use internet only 15 days because nobody could fix the problem for me, and that obviously I couldn t pay 150 Bd for 15 days of internet use. I officially made a complain to them and then after in 2013, they agreed with me and they reduced my bill at 90 bd which I also refused to pay …… because I couldn’t understand why I had to pay if customer service couldn’t help me with the defectious internet device in 2009 and couldn t replace it. And finally, I ended up with a travel ban and being forced to pay a bill of 213 bd to cancel the travel ban (all of that because of 15 days internet use and useless internet device ) !!!!!! How come ??????? Why the court didn’t inform me about that ? Is it legal for ZAIN to do such a thing without informing me? How come they increase my bill from 90 bd to 213bd ?
What can I do now ? Could you advice the best lawyer with good experience in such cases to get my money back and indemnities for what they did to me? I know that lot of customers are so unhappy about ZAIN company, is there any groups or associations for complains!
Thanks in advance for reading me and giving from your time !!!

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